Hey, I'm Rob Wegh
A figurative artist specialising in sculpture and drawing, currently based in both Italy and the Netherlands. I was born in 2002 in Nijmegen, the Netherlands. I finished my VWO-level high school in 2020 at the Citadel College in the Netherlands. I then moved to Florence to attend the Florence Academy of Art, where I earned multiple scholarships and graduated with the "Best Sculpture of the Year" award in 2023. Now, I serve as a Graduate in Residence and a principal instructor for drawing and sculpture at the academy. I also maintain a studio for new and ongoing projects. For more updates follow my instagram account @robwegh
- Nijmegenaar van de week ‘’indebuurt’’
- 4th Year Graduate in Residence at the Florence Academy of Art
- Winner ‘’Best Sculpture of the year’’ at the Florence Academy of Art
- Third Year Scholarship at the Florence Academy of Art
- Honorable Mention for Academic Achievement at the graduation ceremony of the Florence Academy of Art
- Second place ‘’ARC Scholarship"
- Second Year Scholarship at the Florence Academy of Art